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The <audio> and <video> elements have several properties that you can bind to. This example demonstrates a few of them.

On line 62, add currentTime={time}, duration and paused bindings:

  <track kind="captions">

bind:duration is equivalent to bind:duration={duration}

Now, when you click on the video, it will update time, duration and paused as appropriate. This means we can use them to build custom controls.

Ordinarily on the web, you would track currentTime by listening for timeupdate events. But these events fire too infrequently, resulting in choppy UI. Svelte does better — it checks currentTime using requestAnimationFrame.

The complete set of bindings for <audio> and <video> is as follows — six readonly bindings...

  • duration (readonly) — the total duration of the video, in seconds
  • buffered (readonly) — an array of {start, end} objects
  • seekable (readonly) — ditto
  • played (readonly) — ditto
  • seeking (readonly) — boolean
  • ended (readonly) — boolean

...and five two-way bindings:

  • currentTime — the current point in the video, in seconds
  • playbackRate — how fast to play the video, where 1 is 'normal'
  • paused — this one should be self-explanatory
  • volume — a value between 0 and 1
  • muted — a boolean value where true is muted

Videos additionally have readonly videoWidth and videoHeight bindings.
